1970-1971 / Classe de 9ème


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Promo 1980
Photo envoyée par Thanh My (promo 1979)

Hi, my name is Huynh Kieu Trinh. I recognize some of my old classmates from the picture of 9eme, promo 1980:

Top row: 2nd from the left: Hoang Pham Thu Thuy, next to Thuy is: Au Kim Chi, next to Kim Chi is Thanh Hang.
3rd row: 7th from the left is Dang Tram Huong (she leaned over to whisper in her friend's ear)
Bottom row: 6th from the left is Hai Yen.

Hope this helps you identify more couventines.

Kieu Trinh


Contact : mcphuonglan@gmail.com